The Women.Connected Committee of the ABA Antitrust Law Section recently inducted four prominent women in the field of antitrust into its “Hall of Fame-inism.” How did they overcome career challenges and gender bias to make it to the top of their field? In this episode of Our Curious Amalgam, co-hosts Alicia Downey and Christine Ma interview Margaret Guerin-Calvert, Deborah Majoras, Lisa Phelan, and Bonny Sweeney about how they achieved (and continue to achieve) professional success and what more can be done to advance women within the antitrust bar. Listen to or download the episode here to learn how each of these role models forged her own path to a fulfilling career in antitrust. Alicia also put together video tributes for playback at the virtual award ceremony on November 10, 2020. The videos are posted on the Antitrust Law Section’s YouTube page here.